If you are having issues operating the passenger windows from the driver's control switches and just recently disconnected/replaced the battery, no worries, the problem is normal and can be fixed! You may have noticed, the only window you can control is the driver's window, but the auto up/down feature is not working properly. This is the same for all windows. They only work from their switch. You may have also noticed the lights are flashing on the individual window switches and drivers control switch panel. The windows need to be reinitialized. Once this process is complete, the driver will have control of all windows and the auto up/down feature will be available again. This is a simple fix, one that will take about 16 seconds plus walk around time. 1) Place the key in the ignition and turn to on, auxiliary or running. 2) Start with any window (no specific order required). 3) Hold the window switch down (two-stage switch, be sure it is all the way down) till window is in the down position. Once down, continue holding the switch down for an additional two seconds and release. 4) Hold the window switch up (two-stage switch, be sure it is all the way up) till window is in the up position. Once up, continue holding the switch up for an additional two seconds and release. 5) Once complete, the window switch light should change from flashing to solid and the auto up/down features should be available again. Also, the window(s) should operate from the driver's window switch panel. 6) Repeat the same process on all windows, to include the driver's window. Thank you for reading this article. We hope you found it entertaining. If so, please share it with others and don't forget to leave a comment down below! The world is a large place, and life is short. Together, we can accomplish much more than we ever could alone. -Bourn Adventure Author: Baker
AuthorsBaker and Ashlie are the owners of Bourn Adventure and together they author the majority of the articles and content found here. Guest AuthorsCheyenne Izaguirre Categories
January 2022