On March 2014, I visited Mystic Caverns in north Arkansas following a camping and off roading trip in the Ozarks with some friends. When we finished the Ozark Adventure, I made my way to Illinois to visit family.
While driving on scenic Highway 7 in north Arkansa, I stumbled upon Mystic Caverns. I saw several signs for the caverns, but was not sure exactly where they were until I saw the entrance off of Highway 7. |
At first I was not going to stop because I was pressed for time, but I figured I should capitalize on this opportunity and decided a few hours was not going to hurt anything.
Lucky I arrived shortly before they closed for the day. As I walked into the office, the staff greeted me. They were very friendly and asked where I was from. I told them I had just finished an off roading adventure through the Ozarks. As it turned out, they saw me pull into the parking lot in the FJ. They saw all the dirt and all the gear on the roof. They asked if they could check it out and of course I said "Hell yea you can!". Shortly after that, we waked back into the office and the adventure started from there. They have two caves at this location. Mystic Cavern and Crystal Dome. |
These are the first large caves I have been in. I was taken away by the beauty inside of them and amazed at how nature can create something so interesting under the soil.
My first impression of this place was how well it is maintained. You can tell the staff takes great pride in preserving Mystic Caverns and Crystal Dome. It is also evident they enjoy showing them off. My tour guid was extremely knowledgeable (or a fantastic |